And so after 6 months it is time for the return of guests, sailing and new views. YAY!
Bunny curry for dinner started off with a Sicilian traditional: Capunata, and finished off with Lemon tart. And it begins: this one doesnt eat hot curry, that one only eats hot curry etc etc What have i gotten myself in for???
Next day we took the "Drinks with a view" crew to Cefalu.
You might remember it from a few posts ago (i did put it in right?) This time though, the Captain and i did not get to go ashore as the anchoring was not great and the wind was set to change and, well you know the drill. At this stage, little did we know but both the anchoring and food situations were a set theme...
Here you have the galley while we are underway. If you would like to see the real angle of it all, tilt your screen until the stove top is perfectly horizontal and the water coming out of the tap is perfectly vertical. Yip, water and gimbled stoves never lie...and this was a mild heeling over day...some days the water pours out of the tap and onto the floor...
This is one time when i praise the idea of a small galley: things dont fall as far and the other side of the galley is right there for you to brace yourself on

From Cefalu we headed away from Sicily to the Eolian Islands, our first stop being Salina. No shore photos once again due to being boat bound. But Salina is known for her scrumptious caper crops, malmsey (a drink), prehistoric settlements and her breathtaking views. Unfortunately you have to wander to see all this and with the crew boat bound and the guests more interested in the well, lets say, no photos
Ok ok those who know me well will have expected this... From our anchorage you can see where erosion has exposed the effects of time through the layered strata. Each volcanic eruption and each sedimentary layer is clearly visible. Unfortunately a photo doesnt quite capture it and i had nothing on hand to represent scale. You might need to zoom in
The following day we upped anchor and sailed a wonderful 2 hours to Panerea, with me at the helm most of the way. See Dad, I am learning to sail. Below is where we anchored in Panerea. Once again it is the views that are the attraction and the Bronze Age village (ruins) but alas they would be up upon a 'hill' thus out of reach for our lot. They did discover the shopping though and unfortunately having been pre-informed of their existence The Madame was not impressed by the findings. Ah well, I suppose you cant find Dolci and Gabbana in EVERY corner of Italy

From Cefalu we headed away from Sicily to the Eolian Islands, our first stop being Salina. No shore photos once again due to being boat bound. But Salina is known for her scrumptious caper crops, malmsey (a drink), prehistoric settlements and her breathtaking views. Unfortunately you have to wander to see all this and with the crew boat bound and the guests more interested in the well, lets say, no photos
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