12 Days, 5 people, 7 islands and lots of food and drink!
Day 1 Grenada: Port Louis Marina
Starter: Portobello mushrooms topped with Callaloo and crisped parmesan
Main: 4Cs Chicken (Caribbean Coconut Chutney Chicken), with breadfruit mashed in coconut milk, Christophenes and Carrots
Dessert: Gingeroll (Like a Swiss Roll but with all the Grenadian spices and ginger in the cream)
After Grenada Marine had let us down so badly, we had a mad rush to get everything ready on time. But on time we were. The first 3 of the guests (owner, wife and neighbour) arrived in the evening ready for dinner and bed.
Preparing food for charter. In pots from right to left: Breadfruit, eggplant, carrots, boiled and pureed callaloo
Lunch: Chicken mayo salad in a pita
Starter: Sliced fresh avocado with edible garnishing
Main: 5 hour Slow Roast Lamb with all the trimmings
Dessert: Banana Cake w cream cheese icing
After a relatively early start and much discussion on what the various parties would like from the first few days, we set sail for Clarks Court Bay just around the corner. It turned out to be a lovely gentle sail averaging 7knots. Just the way to break back into it.
This was our first real sail since coming out of the yard and so we received yet another 'present' from the yard.
Our hydraulic panel had gone in to be serviced. The riggers had removed it, serviced it and put it back in. As soon as we tried to pump up the pressure on the vang (pulls the boom down) the gauge started spewing hydraulic oil all over the teak decks. Lovely.
So we anchored and the Cpt got to fixing this, taking the offending gauge out and trying to get it back in without it leaking. Eventually my small hands got involved in the undoing and redoing of grub screws in hard to reach places with the owner holding a torch and helping minimise the spread of the oil slick...he had a vested interest in this as the panel is located above the main cabin bed...
Finally the problem was solved by rotating the gauge (so it is now skew to look at) so that the bit that the yard had damaged by incorrect installation, couldnt leak anymore.
Then it was on to the other projects...the brand new aircon had stopped working (simple solution of reset) and horrors of horrors the fridges had stopped working.
Thank goodness for a capable Cpt!!!!!
An Island in Clarks Court Bay. With a very exclusive soon to be opening hotel on it
Day 3 Grenada: St Georges Port Loius
Lunch: Lamb leftover sandwichesStarter: Capunata on malba toast (Sicilian dish with lots eggplant, tomato, capers etc)
Main: Mmmmm Chicken w roast potato broccoli and Yum Butternut
Dessert: Eve's Pudding
After a little "jolly" in the dingy to gawk at the new hotel and skim over reefs we motor-sailed back to Port Louis. I had the GoPro attached to my head, videoing while the neighbour pulled the mainsail up and i tailed on the winch. He was quite impressive, pulling the heavy mainsail up past the top spreader.
Once back in the Marina, the guests went to the pool until it was time to pick up the remaining 2 guests from the airport.
All aboard, fed and bed.
Day 4 Grenada: St Georges Port Louis Marina
Lunch: Ham sandwiches on bread fresh from the South African baker down the road
Starter: Pea and mint soup
Main: Orange Tamarind Roast Beef w Christofenes, baby carrots and rice
Dessert: Tiramisu
Having heard that the bay to the North where we were planning on stopping next (Halifax) is home to Grenada's dump and thus swarming with flies and bad smells, a decision was taken that perhaps another night in Port Louis was not such a bad idea.
The guests took the opportunity to visit a few waterfalls and we had a visit from Martin, the diver who cleaned the bottom of the boat. Martin had very generously brought us bags and bags of fruit from his garden: paw paws, bananas, mangoes, grapefruit, avocados etc etc How very generous!
Then the stove broke.
Cooking a 3 course meal on a stove where the main hob turns itself off...fun
Well it led to the discovery that I can actually reach everywhere in the galley with one hand holding the mischievous hob button in. Alas, cutting garlic requires two hands. No probs, a toe for the hob and two hands for the garlic, It's a good thing a swaying boat is good balance training for standing on 1 leg for 5min.
Day 5 Grenada to Carriacou
Lunch: Beef Sandwiches
Dinner: Out. Slipway restaurant
Variable wind conditions resulted in Motor - Sail - Motor from Grenada to Carriacou which is one country with Grenada but an island to its North.
Farewell to the Grenadian town of St Georges
Along the way we were joined by a pod of very large dolphins. They didnt stay with us for long but their appearance was a welcome intrusion into the journey.
Once anchored in the bay we 'had' to check the anchor. So snorkelling without a snorkel it was. Then the Cpt and I unintentionally entertained the guests by climbing up the anchor chain, he a lot quicker and smoother than I.
An evening on anchor is another evening perfect for cocktails. Something fruity, was the request. So another invention was required.
Ceres Mango Juice + Grenadian Rum + lots and lots of freshly grated ginger
Presenting this fruity delight on deck, the guests asked what it was called and while I was umming and aaahing I noticed that the spectacular sun setting behind the expectant guests' heads was exactly the same colour as my concoction...thus the Carriacou Sunset Cocktail was born.
Dinner was in the Slipway restaurant in the bay next door. So we were treated to a moonlit dingy ride through the wind rippled seas. It was such a clear night that the stars danced like diamonds on each rippling wave.
Dinner was delicious!
Tuna cooked to perfection, ie just the outside seared, followed by mango and shortbread smothered in cream and granadilla.
Day 6 Carriacou to Union Island
Lunch: Set out lunch - avo, ham cheese, tapernade, copper penny sld, capunata, cherry tomatoes, olives, pate, assorted sausages, crackers and breads etc
Starter: Callaloo Soup (it's a bit like spinach but has to be cooked for at least 20min so that it's not akin to eating fibreglass)
Main: Fish done in olive oil, parsley and lemon. Side sld
Dessert: Creme Caramels
An early morning fisherman brought an irresistibly fresh rainbow runner for our purchasing, then dinning, pleasure.
Our Carriacou Rainbow Runner
Finally cleared out of Grenada/Carriacou we motored our way to Union Island which is the first island in the country of islands known as St Vincent and the Grenadians (or SVG for short)
While the Cpt checked us into this new country, I set out a massive spread for lunch following which all, except the owners wife, had a brief tour around the island. The guests, except the owner's wife, then had drinks on Happy Island (an optimistically named sandbank with a bar on it) while I prepared dinner, and served drinks to the owner's wife.
Day 7 Union Island to Bequia via the Tobago Cays
Lunch: Ham and cheese sandwiches with cheese platter and various spreads (tapenade, cream cheese w truffle)
Starter: Prawn Cocktail
Main: Lamb Cutlets marinaded overnight in lemon, olive oil, garlic etc
Dessert: Skipper's Banana Flambe
We had a great sail, tacking our way from Union Island to the Tobago Cays.
My flippers waving hello from the Tobago Cays
Some baby big fish swimming under our rudder
The sting rays were still there, accompanied by a few trunkfish and schools of baby big fish. This is the kind of place where you can be pruned and cold and still have to be dragged out of the sea.
Just another 'island' in the Tobago Cays
We finally tore ourselves away from the Tobago Cays sadly bidding them farewell. Apparently we couldnt spend more than an afternoon in this exclusive slice of paradise (accessible only by boat) as we had to spend 3 whole days on the touristy development known as St Lucia (with almost daily flights directly from the UK and USA)
A Sunset Farewell to the Cays
Very little beats night sailing
Where to begin describing night sailing?
It is always something special but when there is decent wind, a near full moon and your sailing a boat designed for comfort but speed...ah...
After ensuring the guests had all they required, I left them in the aft section of the boat and went forward to the bow. Sitting on the pulpit chair, the moon laid out a shimmering carpet of silver before me reaching up to my dangling feet, and with the propelling wind rushing across my face, muffling my ears before powering into the giant genoa behind me, I finally had a moments pure solitude.
A little beach on another Tobago Cays island
The heel of the boat.
I am actually standing upright, it is the floor that is at the precarious angle.
(note the stainless peg holding the chair onto the floor)
The trick to walking through a boat that is so heeled over is simple: lean so that your body is vertical. If you get it right it should just feel like youre walking around a rather steep hill with a very strong wind propping you up. This may sound simple but is actually quite counter-intuitive as it is not only the floor that is at the wrong angle but the walls and furniture too...
See Mom and Dad, we do wear lifejackets! (After dark or above 25knots windspeed)
and a very welcome glass of red
It was well worth having to prepare the bits and bobs for dinner underway as it meant having the extra time visiting the reeflife of the Cays. But by the time we anchored all that needed to be done was for the prawn cocktails to be arranged in their glasses and the well marinaded giant lamb cutlets to be tossed on the cast iron griddle. (The Caribbean butchers seem to have a different idea of how to cut a cutlet than what I know...theirs are about 5cm thick...)
Lunch: Ham Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches
Dinner: ashore
This morning was a very busy morning. The linen needed changing, all the usual cleaning, baking the cake for dessert and preparing the chicken which takes ages but is well worth it (its stuffed under the skin with grated veg, a mix of cheeses and egg which needs to 'marinade' for 1 to 24hrs). While this was going on the guest went exploring ashore, coming back claiming Bequia is the best island theyve seen so far.
Sour Sop
Foreign food is part of the travel experience. Sour Sop is mooshy. The firm green skin is removed and the pulp smooshed, popping the black seeds out of their soft pulpy sacks. Generally it is drunk blended with milk and ice but tastes great on its own or as a topping for fruit salad. It has a creamy sweet and sour taste with the sweet being more rich than sugary. Very yum.
Walliabou bathed in moonlight
We sailed off the anchor and to St Vincent. Wallilabou is where the main set for the Pirates of the Caribbean was. On arrival every boat is meet by a shoal of boats...local fishing type boats, all bearing helpful hands for mooring lines, trinkets and fruit and veg for sail... It takes some skill with a smile on your face to get them to stop hanging onto your boat and trying to ply their wares to your guests, but we managed without making anyone grumpy.
We had a yummy dinner ashore in the restaurant next to the set, that is decorated with signed posters and pictures from the movie. Their rum punches are really really pockey. 1 is definitely enough!
Remember that rock? Picture it with a few dangling bodies beneath it and Cpt Jack removing his hat...
Day 9 St Vincent: Walliabou to St Lucia: Soufriere
Lunch: Ham, tomato and avo salad filled pitas
Starter: Tomato Soup
Main: Country Roast Chicken w lemon sesame carrots and broccoli
Dessert: Banana Carrot Walnut Cake (delicious, moist, and made in 10min with no more utensils than a fork)
Sailing to The Pitons
oooh oooh ooh too many rum punches. Definitely a mistake.
Luckily the stuffing for the chicken and the dessert were made last night and the tomato soup was preprepared and frozen before the charter even began. So all there was to do was sail the entire day away. Luckily it seems the combination of a seasick tablet and a headache pill are a relatively good hangover cure.
But the oven was playing up again and wouldnt reach the required temperature resulting in the chicken taking 2 hours to cook. Ah well, after anchoring it was a simple matter of keeping the guests happy with snacks and drink until dinner was cooked.
Day 10 St Lucia: Soufriere to Rodney Bay
Lunch: Bacon and Avocado filled pitas
Dinner: Ashore at Spinnakars Restaurant
What a stunning morning! We woke up in the shadow of the big Piton with the deep, clear water beneath us a shocking sapphire blue. It was so clear that glancing over the side I could see a school of big fish swimming more than 10m below the surface.
Oh dear some people simply seem to bumble from one mistake to the next. The latest with our guest couple was them discovering that they'd managed to fill the shower sump with sand (the poor poor sump pump) which apparently surprised them no end where as we were expecting some such problem when we saw them come back from the beach with half the sand still attached to their faces. Thinking they would help solve the issue, the husband decided to clean the sump out using toilet paper which he flushed down the loo. Unfortunately on a boat not even loo flushing magically whisks things away to another dimension and his actions thus filled the toilet holding tanks which then stops the forward heads from being able to flush. As a result no one could use the toilets for the rest of the morning (and we are yet waiting for the consequences of forcing the toilet pump to pump sand...)
Ah the life at sea.
We merrily sailed our way North to Rodney Bay where the remainder of the ARC fleet (crossing the Atlantic) were making their way in. And since dinner was to be ashore I was able to join the owner in a spectacular water ski in the Bay. Wow was it a great setting with perfect skiing conditions. Fun!
After a scrumptious dinner ashore we finally made it to bed at 3.30am dreading the 6.30 alarm.
Day 11 St Lucia: Rodney Bay to Marigot Bay
Lunch: Chicken salad filled pitas
Starter: Caprese Salad
Main: Pork Chops marinaded in pineapple juice w ginger rice, roast butternut and christofenes
Dessert: Creme Catalana
Just another Caribbean Sunset
Just as I have finished clearing up all the breakfast things from everyone else's first meal of the day, her majesty's husband politely asks that if it is no trouble could I please prepare a cooked breakfast for her
highness. I was planning a massive breakfast for everyone the next day it being their last day and one of the guests birthday, but as the princess wishes so she gets. 2 fried eggs, soft inside but cooked without, bacon and toast fried in the bacon fat...and there she sat on deck eating it with everyone else sitting watching...
The owner was keen for another ski and i thought i'd give it a go again. oooh not such a good idea. The result: fun, but very wet stiff and tired.
The Palm covered spit sheltering Marigot Bay from its entrance to the sea
(and the British fleet from the French)
Marigot Bay is the one mentioned last season were an English Admiral hid his fleet from the French by covering the rigging with palm leaves and anchoring behind the palm covered spit that divides the bay in two. Its absolutely stunning
The final dinner's table setting
After everything was prepared for dinner i joined the guests on a dingy ride around the corner to a beach for a swim. As we anchored a man from the beach started waving and shouting. We couldnt really hear him but kept catching snatches about the pipe that goes into the sea being for molasses and we didnt know if he was trying to tell us not to swim there or what. The owner bravely jumped in anyway and the local started
swimming out to him, so i figured it must be fine. 2 of the guests wouldnt get into the water but the rest of us swam ashore. It turns out the chap was simply trying to give us a lesson about the area: there was an old rum factory there and they anchor the molasses boats offshore, connect the pipe to the hold and pump the molasses ashore. We then got invited to join them for their poitjie on the beach and got the tour of the fishermen's hut. We declined the meal on the basis that there were two people waiting on the dingy for us but i guess it may have been partially due to the discovery that the floating bits were the remains of a cows scull.
After dinner it was off to the bar to listen to a reggae band and sing in the guest's birthday.
Day 12 St Lucia: Marigot Bay
Breakfast: 30 slices of Bacon, 8 Fried Eggs, 15 sausages, 10 slices Fried Toast, 4 'grilled' tomatoes
Tea: Birthday Chocolate Brownie Cake
Lunch: An assortment all set out
Departure day.
A big breakfast for everyone as 3 were leaving before lunch.
Then the guests went off on one last "jolly" coming back for tea on deck with a birthday cake with candles and everything.
Then we dropped off the 3 due to leave and the last two read and chatted, lunched and finally left.
ooh ooh ooh we got presents!
The one guest gave us a bottle of really nice Port as I had had some for the first time on charter with them and found it rather enjoyable, and and and a box of scrummy chocolates.
The couple gave the Cpt some nice smelling boy shower gel and deo and me...2 sets of rather kinky underwear...
Oh and the owner and his wife, well they told us they would fly us to the UK to be with the Cpt's family for Christmas, If we could still find flights (there were less than 10 days left) and if we wouldnt mind assisting the wife at their New Year's Eve do...needless to say we were unable to find flights...
So bye bye guests and back to the bar for celebratory margaritas and G&Ts
Day all the rest St Lucia: Marigot Bay
Freedom Breakfast
My new toy
Finally we sailed back north to Rodney Bay where we anchored in the bay before having to go into the marina so we could fix the generator bit that had fried as the yard's last present was not attaching a connection properly...
I bought a steel drum and have started learning to play it. Poor Cpt sitting through my fitful renditions of Christmas Carols.

Port and celebratory Monte Christo Cigar
Before the charter began I found some Monte Christo cigars in Grenada.
As a final celebration we ended the trip sipping gifted port and puffing a cigar (ok well the first few puffs of it anyway)
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