Too much time has passed to try and catch up the bits in between. Needless to say there was the trip from Sicily to Palma with the regular crew of the Captain’s pro friends and some newbies; the work time in Palma and the fun trip from Palma through the Straits of Gibraltar to the Canary Island of Las Palmas.
After getting the boat ready for the crossing with its 8 guests, it was sad goodbyes and happy trip home to the wonderful wide open spaces of South Africa and the friends and family they hold.
It was perfect timing being in Cape Town for the fun wedding of a cousin, bringing almost the entire clan together. Then on to Grahamstown to visit a very missed Gran and to be pampered and exercised with laughter (and of course the bouncing boob brigade...that’s a fun story in itself). And finally home to the farm for fun and family and to see my ‘puppy’ that despite what he or I might think, is perhaps no longer actually a puppy (you try telling an affectionate full grown Rottweiler it’s no longer supposed to sit on your lap)
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