Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Exploring Antigua - Falmouth Harbour and English Harbour
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Caribbean - Dominica
Leaving Dominica another long but fun sail brought us to Antigua. Less rain and less sun meant more pleasant sailing with less sunburn. You gotta love the Caribbean constant 15 to 20 knots wind. This was a day of absolutely awesome sailing which made me realise just how lucky I am to be on such a fabulous yacht as this particular Swan! She is a wonderfully balanced, 60 footer who simply plows elegantly through the water. The Captain hadn’t lost his fishing touch and we hauled in a biggy! (yes 'we', I was the one with the sailing gloves on that had to hold it still so the hook could be removed) From our handy fish chart we deduced it was a billfish or um maybe a baby marlin or um one of those kind of big fish. It was so big and so beautiful that, yes bleeding hearts and all that, we threw it back. It seemed no worse for wear from its brief yachting excursion, making a speedy swim for freedom after being unceremoniously dumped back in the sea.
The following day we woke to discover that the locals dont actually need sleep and their DJs dont ever lose their voice. Yip, the party was still going with the reggae booming and the crowd being hyped up by the still enthusiastic, louder than the music, same as the evening before DJ. We were then reminded to chose our local contact with the promise that on doing so all the others would leave us alone. That's how we met Albert the local river guide and were persuaded that our one venture ashore should be in a boat.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Too much time has passed to try and catch up the bits in between. Needless to say there was the trip from Sicily to Palma with the regular crew of the Captain’s pro friends and some newbies; the work time in Palma and the fun trip from Palma through the Straits of Gibraltar to the Canary Island of Las Palmas.
After getting the boat ready for the crossing with its 8 guests, it was sad goodbyes and happy trip home to the wonderful wide open spaces of South Africa and the friends and family they hold.
It was perfect timing being in Cape Town for the fun wedding of a cousin, bringing almost the entire clan together. Then on to Grahamstown to visit a very missed Gran and to be pampered and exercised with laughter (and of course the bouncing boob brigade...that’s a fun story in itself). And finally home to the farm for fun and family and to see my ‘puppy’ that despite what he or I might think, is perhaps no longer actually a puppy (you try telling an affectionate full grown Rottweiler it’s no longer supposed to sit on your lap)