Monday, 21 June 2010


Another sneaky day away. This time we rented a car and went south to Siracuso, a town built by the Greeks in 734BC and a one time rival to Athens. Yes we are still in Sicily but it seems everyone has had a go at ruling the island (apparently once the breadbasket of the Rome)

There is so much history simply lying around here that the museum we accidentally came across doesnt deem it necessary to place these 'new' items behind any sort of barrier. I think this particular Madonna and Child is stunning. She has more of a proud, confident look than most others (who frankly in my opinion come across as ... well ... sappy)

There is of course the obligatory grand cathedral. We came across this one on a Saturday so of course there was the obligatory wedding in progress, car out front and all. Unfortunately not having the correct attire i did not enter, but the Captain's photos showed the interior had all the required features in their usual splendour.

The town is split into two parts. There is the island (old town) section of Ortigia, which apparently features in an Asterix, and then the 'new' section which is only a couple of millennia old.... The photo below is taken from the island with the mainland in the distance.

Nothing like having a little hedge...

And the prefect way to see an ancient GoBike. Yip those clever things that you pick up and drop off all over. Perfect way to explore. hmmm you do have to spend a 'few' moments trying to to get the things onto or off their rack though...

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