Yes we are still in Sicily, but among many others, the Greeks once settled here.
This is the temple. If I understood the translation correctly, they are not sure who it is to as the alter was never completed. Yip, this is an unfinished temple, giving historians an idea of the process of Temple building

The panoramic quality of this pic is possible because of my amazing new camera. ha ha yay my gift to me for when i cant leave the boat due to 'serving guests'

That IS the 'Unfinished Temple' from the previous photo and we ARE only half way up at this stage. But the hike was well worth it considering what we would have missed; the cooling breeze that made it more than pleasant; and of course (Mom) the fact that ALL roads up mountains are ALWAYS windy windy windy windy (hmmm, same spelling but the curvy type, not the blowing type)

Considerably reconstructed but impressive nevertheless and definitely worth the hike.
After all the work they've done i hope they still use it...
yes yes yes, more research needed...