After returning from France to Grenada we had a bit of fun and...
....hiked to a few more waterfalls before...
...setting sail to our base for the winter, Antigua. Via, well as many islands as we could stop at in between...
Tobago cays
Guadaloupe dolphins coming to say hello
Playing in mermaids garden, Antigua
Scaling our way out of mermaid's garden
Once again on top of Monks hill overlooking Falmouth Harbour
Birthday Beach, next to OJs
Walking around Antigua
Goats at home on an Antiguan hill. Apparently the only time of year they all get brought in is Easter...Goat is the Easter dish of choice in Antigua
Wobbly Cup 2013. Yes, we won it the year before. But this time we reasoned we were all sailors so why not add a sail... Same design, plus a rig, plus 2 big boys...and it sunk on the start line... but our valiant boys tied the rig onto a vessel trying pass over them, refloating the boat. They then took the rig off and with a single crew member, finished the race

Returning to the boat the beginnings of a telling off started as we hadn't been able to book a car even though the husband had said he would. But the day was saved with a school of dolphins that decided to have a play around the anchorage. We jumped into our snorkelling gear and went for a play. It was a mixed group in the pod with some nervous youngsters staying near the centre, bold adolescents coming right up to us and some heavily pregnant females being lifted to the surface by their companions.

It was incredible! I even followed a female and her companion down to see her begin her birthing spiral. Unfortunately I ran out of air at that point and eventually the stinging jellies drove us back on board
(sorry about the lack of photo quality, its taken from a video from before i was lucky enough to be given a GoPro 3 by my wonderful parents :)
Racing BVIs: The Swan Scup
Time for some racing. This year it was the Caribbean Swan Cup in the BVIs. We had a wonderfully international team with friends/crew from England, Italy, Germany, South Africa, America, Gambia
There was lots of fun to be had and even a podium position. It is definitely one of the um larnier Caribbean races being hosted by the YCCS. What fun being dressed by Italian ladies in their fancy silk dresses and sparking sandels and then cowering in the dingy ride over, all covered up by raincoats and towels to protect the garments from salty spray.
Back to Antigua
Even the whales came out to play. I think this one is a Pilot Whale. They look like massive dolphins
And of course then more chartering. This time Antigua,Montserrat, Nevis, St Maarten, Anguilla and back to St Maarten
For a final spree of fun before heading north to the USA, my wonderful older sister came for a Caribbean visit
There was some hiking...And exploring
and snorkelling
Then walking Devils Bridge
spying on the local wildlife
And much to our Grandmother's horror, swimming with stingrays at StingRay City. They are not enclosed but come to visit as they enjoy the squid the guides bring along.
Stingrays sleep under the sand with just their eyes sticking out. That is until we disturbed them by taking too many photos...